Parish Jottings

Parish Jottings - June 2015

Parishioners enjoying lunch served after the church meetings
Parishioners enjoying lunch served after the church meetings

Annual church meetings 2015

Barbara Williams and Michael Forsdike were once again elected to be churchwardens to serve for another year. Ian Forster, already a co-opted member, was formally elected to the PCC on which two vacancies remain. The existing Sidesmen will stand again for the next year with the addition of a new volunteer, Sarah Cook.

There are now 52 church members registered on the Electoral Roll. Peter Jones will continue to be our Electoral Roll Officer.

Michael Forsdike reviewed the church finances and said that the church lived within its means last year, with an income of £54,121 and an expenditure of £49,525. However, we were only able to pay a sum of £30,456 towards our parish share assessment of £41,419. Pat Herrington continues as Church Treasurer and Jenny Day will continue as Honorary Auditor.

Churchwarden Barbara Williams gave an informative talk about the work done to the fabric of the church and in the churchyard over the past year. It is thought that the persistent damp patch on the southern internal wall of the church is caused by a leaking gutter. This coming year the Quinquennial Inspection is due to take place.

Barbara Williams thanked Duncan for his continuing service to Trinity church, Trinity School and other local organisations over the past year for which there was much applause.

No shortage of customers for deserts
No shortage of customers for deserts

A flood of primroses adorns the lower churchyard with gentle spring colour
A flood of primroses adorns the lower churchyard with gentle spring colour


Reverend Duncan Carter
Vicarage, 16 Church Street, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1SE (574822)

Trinity at Four Minister:
Reverend Sam Brewster
29 Gainsborough Hill,
Oxfordshire, RG9 1ST
(07899 843461)

Peter Jones
Michael Forsdike


Welcome to Holy Trinity C of E Church.

Whether you have come to a service of worship, for private prayer, or just to enjoy a few moments of peace and tranquillity, we offer you our friendship and hospitality. This website gives some general information about the church and our fellowship.

Duncan Carter, Vicar.