Parish Jottings

Parish Jottings - February - April 2023

Looking forward

As we go to press Christmas is behind us and we begin to look forward. Shrove Tuesday this year is on 21st February and then into Lent. But before that we have some more obscure Christian festivals that we don’t usually take much notice of these days – 2nd February Candlemas, 5th February Septuagesima, 19th February Quinquagesima – and one widely celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike, 14th February Saint Valentine’s Day. Candlemas marks the presentation of the infant Jesus in the temple, so called because traditionally church candles were blessed for use on that day. Quinquagesima and Septuagesima are now mainly observed in the Roman Catholic Church and so called because they mark 50 days and 70 days before Easter, though the maths doesn’t quite work out.

Trinity Together

As usual on the first Tuesday in the month folks from Trinity at Four and our 10:00 a.m. congregation will meet up to pray for our ministry here, for the church, our town and the wider world. You are encouraged to come along to Trinity Church on 7th of February, 7:45 p.m. for a cup of tea and a brief chat followed by a time of prayer from 8:00 p.m. to about 9:30 p.m. Prayer underpins all we do and this monthly gathering is a focal point for the prayer life of the church. Do come if you can.
There is also a weekly prayer time each Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. on Zoom, to get the week off to a good start, led by Sam Brewster. If you have a laptop / tablet / smartphone with Zoom and would like to join in, have a word with Sam who will let you have the link.

Church Getaway 2023

Trinity at Four’s Getaway this year will be on Saturday 2nd September at Moor Hall, Cookham (25 minutes from Henley). Though organised by Trinity at Four, this is open to all. In a beautiful setting join together with the church family for a wonderful day of revitalising Bible teaching from a guest speaker, fun activities and time to eat and chat with one another. You can book at or speak to Sam Brewster.

Holy Communion

As the Covid emergency recedes in our minds we are returning to near normal, going up to the front to receive holy communion, though not, as yet, passing round the common cup. If you have a marked preference in this matter, one way or the other, please do tell Duncan. Also we have not, since the pandemic, shared The Peace at services. If you miss this aspect of our worship do please let us know.

Henley-on-Thames railway station, situated in the south of Holy Trinity church parish. The branch railway opened in 1857 and is 35 miles from Paddington
Henley-on-Thames railway station, situated in the south of Holy Trinity church parish.
The branch railway opened in 1857 and is 35 miles from Paddington


Reverend Duncan Carter
Vicarage, 16 Church Street, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1SE (574822)

Trinity at Four Minister:
Reverend Sam Brewster
29 Gainsborough Hill,
Oxfordshire, RG9 1ST
(07899 843461)

Peter Jones
Michael Forsdike


Welcome to Holy Trinity C of E Church.

Whether you have come to a service of worship, for private prayer, or just to enjoy a few moments of peace and tranquillity, we offer you our friendship and hospitality. This website gives some general information about the church and our fellowship.

Duncan Carter, Vicar.