Parish Jottings

Parish Jottings - May 2021

The end of Lockdowns?

Whether or not we shall have further Lockdowns, we must wait and see. The vaccination programme continues to be on schedule, and once vaccinated, we will be less likely to suffer from the Covid-19 virus infection, should we catch it, but will not be completely immune from it. Therefore, providing we obey the precautionary rules to counter this dreadful pandemic, we should be well on the way to returning to a more acceptable way of life, whatever that may turn out to be. Although churches have remained open through most of the pandemic period, singing is still not allowed. The authorities are now reassessing this rule, which we hope will soon be relaxed.

Easter Trail

Easter Trail

On the morning of Good Friday, Holy Trinity church’s ‘Trinity at Four’ held an Easter Trail for families with 3 to 10 year old children. The trail ran around the town. At intervals along the route, biblical characters told the walkers various parts of the Easter story. An added attraction of the walk was that the children could collect chocolate Easter eggs as an Easter treat. Over fifty families followed the trail. The event was organised by Peter Greenman, of ‘Trinity at Four’. (See magazine pages 12-13 for a fuller report on the Easter Trail).

Church flowers

Our Flower Ladies, Mary Burton and Maureen George, after many years of keeping our church decorated, are having to retire from their many years of service. (See article on magazine pages 6-7).

If you are interested in helping to fulfil this gratifying job, or would like to find out more about what the job involves, do have a word with Mary or Maureen, or with Duncan.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh died on Friday 9th April at the age of 99. His marriage to the Queen, the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, was in 1947. At the Sunday morning service on 11th April, we gave thanks to God in recognition of the Duke’s strong Christian faith and for the many contributions he made to the world’s communities, which he leaves behind him for posterity. The motto on his coat of arms is “God is my help”. (See article on magazine pages 14-16).

Duke of EdinburghDuke of Edinburgh

Holy Trinity church stands resplendent in the April sunshine whilst successfully enduring its course through the Covid-19 pandemic.
Holy Trinity church stands resplendent in the April sunshine whilst
successfully enduring its course through the Covid-19 pandemic.


Reverend Duncan Carter
Vicarage, 16 Church Street, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1SE (574822)

Trinity at Four Minister:
Reverend Sam Brewster
29 Gainsborough Hill,
Oxfordshire, RG9 1ST
(07899 843461)

Peter Jones
Michael Forsdike


Welcome to Holy Trinity C of E Church.

Whether you have come to a service of worship, for private prayer, or just to enjoy a few moments of peace and tranquillity, we offer you our friendship and hospitality. This website gives some general information about the church and our fellowship.

Duncan Carter, Vicar.