Parish Jottings

Parish Jottings - June 2016

Annual Church Meetings

Our Annual Church Meetings took place after the morning service on 26th April 2016 with the Reverend Duncan Carter in the chair.

At the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, the standing Church Wardens, Barbara Williams and Michael Forsdike, were once again elected for another year of office. Sidesmen Peggy Wilcox and Edward Sandars stood down after many years of dedicated service in these rolls at the early morning services.

At the Annual Parochial Church Meeting Duncan gave a brief resume of the previous church year and referred the meeting to the PCC Annual Report for 2015-16 for a more detailed review.

There are now 54 people on the church Electoral Roll, 18 of whom live outside the ecclesiastical parish; however, this may mean that they live only a few yards outside the ecclesiastical church parish boundary.

Five members of the PCC, Mrs Sarah Cook, Mr Andrew Galletley, Mrs Jackie Harrison, Mrs Pat Herrington and Mr Malcolm Selway were elected to serve for a further term of three years on the PCC.

In conclusion, Duncan spoke about his motto for the year, 2 Corinthians 4: 5-7, and encouraged us to pragmatically participate in the life of the church. God's all-surpassing power, when used, can have a dynamic effect on all to whom it is directed.

Annual Church Meetings

Annual Church Meetings

Annual Church Meetings

Annual Church Meetings

Annual Church Meetings

Copies of the Annual Report for 2015-16 are available in church.

It is not known why the vestry originally had two external doors. The left-hand door was blocked up during the 1987 re-ordering.
It is not known why the vestry originally had two external doors.
The left-hand door was blocked up during the 1987 re-ordering.


Reverend Duncan Carter
Vicarage, 16 Church Street, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1SE (574822)

Trinity at Four Minister:
Reverend Sam Brewster
29 Gainsborough Hill,
Oxfordshire, RG9 1ST
(07899 843461)

Peter Jones
Michael Forsdike


Welcome to Holy Trinity C of E Church.

Whether you have come to a service of worship, for private prayer, or just to enjoy a few moments of peace and tranquillity, we offer you our friendship and hospitality. This website gives some general information about the church and our fellowship.

Duncan Carter, Vicar.